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Ready For The Dog Park?

The dog park can be a great place for your pooch to play and socialize with others, but it can also be a challenging environment to navigate.

Many dog owners understand the importance of training not only a well-behaved pet but one that can thrive in social environments with other dogs.

Paying a visit to the dog park can be a rewarding experience not only for a dog but for her owner as well.

It’s fun to witness a variety of breeds rolling on the grass or chasing each other through sand-filled runs. And then there’s the dog that likes to dig a massive hole in the ground or the one that likes to spread out on a bench made for humans.

We find these behaviors to be endearing. They’re part of the reason why we love visiting the dog park more often than not.

But even though the dog park is a happy place to visit, keep in mind that not all dogs will be suited for this environment, especially breeds that have been trained to respond aggressively to the behaviors of other dogs, even when those behaviors are harmless.

What’s more, smaller breeds are often kept to their exclusive patches of green grass or dirt terrain, which are separate from those that host larger breeds. This is because smaller dogs can act timidly at the sight of a larger dog and retreat to sheltered areas of the park, such as underneath a park bench or behind a bush.

It takes some effort and training on the dog owner’s part to get their pooch ready for a first visit to the dog park.

With that goal in mind, below are a few tips that can help ready your pet for the big trip to the dog run and help him thrive alongside other dogs.


5 Tips To Optimize Your Off-Leash Experience

Tip # 1. Wait until your pup is at least 6 months old.

Puppies are cute, but they can also be a handful.

Older dogs can be easily annoyed with puppy behavior. As a result, they snap back at these cute, unassuming puppies that simply wish to play until they’ve used up their bountiful source of energy.

More importantly, puppies that haven’t been properly vaccinated yet can be exposed to diseases. For a complete guide of pet inoculations, you can check out this article by the American Kennel Club.

If you’ve gone through this checklist and marked each one as completed, then congratulations! You’ve obliterated one obstacle that was standing in your way to the dog park.

Now you need to know when to go.

Tip # 2. Know when to go.

Overprotective dog owners might cast a menacing glance at your unspayed or unneutered pet. That’s because this group of pets likes to exhibit unruly behaviors such as “humping,” lunging, or over-barking at other dogs.

From the perspective of an “aggressive” breed, these behaviors are taunting and can provoke a strong counter-response, such as a deep growl or bared teeth — common signals that convey a clear message: “Don’t mess with me.”

So, it’s safe to say that for your pooch to thrive best at the dog park, she might need to outgrow her puppy phase, come well-equipped with a full suite of vaccinations, and be fully healed after having been spayed.

For this trajectory of progress, we’re now looking at six to eight months of age before he or she is ready to hit the dog run.

Tip # 3. Social training.

But this doesn’t mean that social training can’t begin way before the six-to-eight-month timeline.

In fact, you should strive to expose your pup to as much external interaction as possible.

In other words, go for long walks around your neighborhood (and beyond) and keep a pocketful of treats!

When you encounter other dogs and their owners on walks, ask if it’s okay for your pups to meet and greet each other.

If your dog seems reluctant to approach her new friend, try coaxing her with a tasty treat, or ask the other dog owner if they wouldn’t mind offering the treat to your dog to break the ice.

You can also try organizing small playdates with two or three dogs of varying sizes and ages. Having this variety can help you observe how your dog interacts with older and younger breeds alike, which can be valuable information before you remove their leash on your first trip to the dog park.

Tip # 4. Basic training.

Early socialization is an important milestone in your puppy’s life.

The same can be said of basic training skills that will prove to be invaluable as your dog immerses herself in an off-leash environment.

By this point, your dog should already know when to “come” on your command, especially if a dog fight breaks out all of a sudden, or if she is far off chasing a squirrel.

“Drop it” is another useful command to have mastered, especially when your pooch is quite taken with a hardy stick or tree branch that she chews incessantly. When reduced to bits, these sticks can be harmful to your pet’s internal organs, so commanding them to “drop it” can come in handy.

(For other essential training commands, click here!)

Tip # 5. Read the signs.


As mentioned earlier in this article, plenty of dog parks have designated areas for smaller breeds. These are usually posted with signs that will let you know whether or not your pet is welcome in these separate spaces.

Also, plenty of dog parks have a dual-gate entry flow that’s typically adorned with signage advising you to wait until the entry area is clear before opening the gate. This is meant to keep dogs from running away from their owners without first being properly leashed.

In a less literal sense, be sure to supervise your pet and pay close attention to how they’re behaving at the dog park.

So, no, you can’t keep your eyes glued to your phone as you play Candy Crush or check your stocks on the NASDAQ app.

When on a trip to the dog park, your dog’s safety should be your number one priority.

And sticking to these tips will help you make the most of this rewarding experience for years to come!

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